Wednesday, April 23, 2014

We Win! Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014

- Did Jesus rise from the dead and what does his resurrection mean?
- That's the question I want to quickly answer this morning, but first I want to share a little story by Cathy Norman.
- She writes: "After 12 years as a church organist, I did the unforgivable: I overslept on Easter morning.
- "The church service was scheduled for 6:30 a.m.. At 6:31 a.m. The Minister called to see if I was on my way, but I was still in bed.
- "Happily, I live near the church, and in 10 minutes, I was seated at the organ.
- "The following Easter, my phone rang at 5:45 a.m. When I answered, the minister told me gently, 'Christ is risen, and you'd better too.'"
- Did Jesus rise from the dead and what does his resurrection mean?
- For almost 2000 years, those who do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus have tried to ignore, deny, and explain away the message of the New Testament.
- But there are problems with trying to ignore, deny and explain away the message of the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the message of Paul's letters and the other New Testament writers.
- The main problem is simply this: you have to do a whole lot of mental gymnastics to ignore, deny and explain away the plain facts as the Bible presents them.
-What happens when the plain facts are ignored, denied, or explained away?
- When we throw out the facts what happens is: we guess, and when we throw out the facts, your guess is as good as anyone else's guess as to what the truth really is.
- So let's take a few moments to consider the facts.
- First, who were the first witnesses to arrive at the tomb?
- That's simple! The first eyewitnesses at the tomb were women.
- It's important that the first eyewitnesses were women (A) because the women followed Joseph of Arimathea to the tomb, so they saw where Jesus body was laid.
- They didn't get lost on Sunday morning on their way to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus with perfumes and spices. They knew where they were going.
- B. It's also important because Jesus treated women with the equality and respect they deserve unlike the rest of the society around Jesus.
- Women were second-class citizens, and so were children, but not to Jesus.
- According to the law, a woman was not permitted to testify as a witness in court; women were thought of as unreliable and untrustworthy witnesses.
- If the church had been allowed to choose who the first to witness Jesus resurrection were, it would have been men and not women.
- The gospel writers, all four of them, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, would not have written the women as witnesses, if it were not true.
- Second, as the first eyewitnesses, what did the women discover?
- A. Going to the tomb, they were wondering who was going to roll the stone way, but when they arrived, the stone, a 12 inch thick, 8 foot round, 4 ton slab of granite, was already rolled away from the tomb.
- B. Entering the tomb, they did not find the body of Jesus.
- C. Exiting the tomb, they were told by two angels that Jesus is risen, just as he said, and they remembered his words.
- D. While Luke's resurrection story agrees with much of Mark's gospel, Matthew adds that the women have a personal encounter with Jesus himself, while John makes the encounter with Jesus even more personal with just one of the women, Mary Magdalene.
- These differences should not be understood as contradictions, conflicting or disagreeing stories, but as normal variations to be expected from eyewitness testimony.
- If we were to hear the testimony of eyewitnesses and their testimony was all exactly the same, then we would be wise to expect that the testimony is made up, not true.
- E. Remembering what Jesus said, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful man, be crucified and on the third day rise, the women would not have gone to tell the disciples unless they believed.
- Why be made fun of and laughed at, unless, of course, you are telling the truth?
- Third, how did the disciples react to the women's testimony?
- So the women as the first to witness the resurrection of Jesus, saw the empty tomb, heard the Angels speak, remembered what Jesus told them, and became the first to go and tell the disciples that Jesus is risen, but...
- Because women were seen as unreliable witnesses the disciples at first did not believe the women.
- They thought the women were talking nonsense; that their grief made them loopy
- Somehow Jesus' predictions of his suffering, death and resurrection had gone right over the heads of his disciples; in one ear and out the other.
- How embarrassing! And no one would include an embarrassing story in a historical account, unless it was true.
- Peter heard the eyewitness testimony of the women and his curiosity got the better of him.
- He ran off to investigate, and John's gospel tells us that John also went with Peter, and while Peter went home filled with wonder and astonishment about what happened, still trying to put together the puzzle in his head, John saw the empty tomb and the grave clothes just lying there like Jesus had passed right through them, and John believed!
- Not until they saw the empty tomb and grave clothes did Peter and John put it together.
- For the disciples, Jesus death didn't add up to new life. Only by seeing the proof with their own eyes did they begin to believe.
- The embarrassing lack of faith of the disciples and their refusal to believe the women points to the truth that Jesus is risen.
- What about us? What do we believe? In a world that tends to ignore, deny, or explain away the Bible, do the plain facts tell you that Jesus is risen?
- If you do believe, then what does his resurrection mean?
- Jesus resurrection, his rising from the dead, is not just another story.
- Eyewitnesses saw him alive. In fact, before Jesus returned to heaven over 500 people saw the risen Christ.
- The Angels, the grave clothes just lying there, the empty tomb, the encounters with Jesus written in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are not fairytales but eyewitness events.
- He really is alive.
- Jesus is risen, therefore, death is defeated.
- Because Jesus lives, we win!
- CS Lewis, you know the guy who wrote the Chronicles of Narnia, pointed out that if God exists, then miracles like the resurrection are more than possible. In fact, we should expect them.
- God, however, often does not do what we want, but he will show up in ways that surprise us, just like the women and the 11 disciples were surprised by Jesus resurrection.
- The women went to the tomb, expecting to find the body of Jesus, forgetting Jesus told them that he would rise again.
- The disciples didn't believe the testimony of the women because they forgot that Jesus told them he would rise again.
- Jesus' resurrection was a complete surprise and God loves surprises. He loves to surprise his children.
- The Bible is the great story about God working out his plan to save the world from sin, death, and the curse, and the resurrection of Jesus is the climax of this great story.
- Because Jesus lives, we win!
- I said near the beginning that unbelievers have spent a lot of time and energy trying to ignore, deny and explain away the empty tomb and the eyewitness testimony of the first disciples of Jesus, but it is easier to accept the plain truth that the God who created all things by the power of his spoken word miraculously raised Jesus back from death forever, just as Jesus promised.
- Because Jesus lives, we win!
- Because Jesus was raised, God's mighty power is at work to save!
- Because Jesus was raised, death is defeated!
- Because Jesus was raised, we can have hope for the future!
- Because Jesus was raised, the Christian faith is no joke, but brings real joy!
- Because Jesus was raised, God's power is available for you today!
- Because Jesus lives, we win!
- All we have to do is hand over our lives to Jesus, learning to submit to Jesus; moment by moment, day by day, letting Jesus take the lead in our lives.
- Romans 10:9 states, "if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
- Acts 2:38, also says, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
- Because Jesus lives, you can have the guarantee right now, whether you live or you die, you win, but you need to hand over control of your entire life to the Lord Jesus.
- Are you willing to hand over your whole life to Jesus Christ?
- Because Jesus lives, we win!

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