In this third part of our series on Proverbs, we are going to take a look at
playing the fool versus following God's guidance, as the title to this message
Solomon spends a great deal of time comparing wisdom and folly, so we see that
steady foolishness produces anguish, while steady wisdom produces joy.
I want to quickly outline for us what I'm going to talk about today.
I want to give us for key statements which drive home our take-home truth: When
I trust God's wisdom, I'll follow his guidance.
- First, I play the fool when I
ignore God's wisdom.
- Second, I play the fool when
I think I have all the answers.
- Third, Following God's
guidance, I can avoid life's pitfalls and examine every situation.
- Fourth, Following God's
guidance, I can approach life from God's perspective.
Let's get started.
First, I play the fool when I ignore
God's wisdom.
Proverbs 13: 14 and 16: 22.
13:14, "The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, that one may turn
away from the snares of death.
16:22, "Good sense is a fountain of life to him who has it, but the
instruction of fools is folly."
Imagine walking down the hot, dry, dusty road from Jericho to Jerusalem.
All around you is desert, the sun blazes, the heat intense.
Usually, in heat like this you'd be sweating, but the air is so dry you don't
The wind evaporates perspiration as fast as you produce it.
Suddenly, you are thirsty, very thirsty.
Dry and parched, your lips feel withered and your tongue clings to the roof of
your mouth.
Perhaps nothing could be more important in the dry climate of Israel than a
The presence of clean, fresh water to travelers on the road is life-saving.
The same may be said of the teaching of the wise. It can save your life and
keep you from life's snares.
While good sense has the same life-saving qualities as a fountain, fools lack
sense and must live with the consequences of their foolish decisions.
Proverbs 24:13-14, "My son, eat honey, for it is good, and the drippings
of the honeycomb are sweet to your taste. Know that wisdom is such to your
soul; if you find it, there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut
We recently had honeycomb for a treat.
It smelled like summer in the Maritimes filling my mind with all the rich
aromas of fruit blossoms and wildflowers and meadows.
It's flavor brought to my imagination fields of clover and wild blueberries.
I did manage to get some of its sticky goodness on my beard and fingers, so I
had to wash up when I was finished.
The proverb says, "Eat honey, for it is good." Amen!
The sweetest taste known to folks of Old Testament times was honey.
Solomon encouraged his son to eat honey and enjoy its sweetness, comparing it
to wisdom because wisdom provides the sweetness of hope for the future.
As good as honey is for the pallet, wisdom is for the soul.
Solomon not only encouraged his son to get wisdom because it's what's right,
but also because wisdom is the shortest track to experiencing joy in life.
His encouragement also contained a warning; not pursuing wisdom could result in
future hopes being cut off.
I play the fool when I ignore God's wisdom. When I trust God's wisdom, I'll
follow his guidance.
Second, I play the fool when I think I
have all the answers.
Proverbs 27:22, "Crush a fool in a mortar with a pestle along with crushed
grain, yet his folly will not depart from him."
In order to crush grain in a mortar and pestle, it takes patience, and a lot of
patience, because you have to lift the pestle and drive it onto the mortar
again and again until you get the grain the consistency and texture you're
looking for.
Unlike grain, you can't grind a fool into a texture or consistency that you can
work with.
If you took a fool and set her in a mortar and ground her with a pestle you'd
never be able to grind folly out of her.
The fool is unteachable. He refuses to learn from his repeat mistakes and he
refuses to learn from those who are wiser, more knowledgeable, or more
experienced than he.
You can't separate a fool from folly, they are inseparable. Even if punished
again and again because folly is the essence of the fool.
Proverbs 29:9, "If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only
rages and laughs, and there is no quiet."
We've all had arguments in our lives that once they get started we immediately
regret either because of flared tempers or because of the inability to admit
ignorance in a particular matter.
Neither can you argue with a fool because a fool turns every argument into a
raging, emotional brawl.
Nor can you have a rational, calm discussion with a fool because he is never
I play the fool when I think I have all the answers. When I trust God's
wisdom, I'll follow his guidance.
In our last two points, let's take a look at the positive side as we look at
what happens when we follow God's guidance.
Third, Following God's guidance, I can
avoid life's pitfalls and examine every situation.
Proverbs 15:21, "Folly is a joy to him who lacks sense, but a man of
understanding walks straight ahead."
If a person lacks sense or good judgment, then he or she takes pleasure from
We've all seen or know of people who take pleasure in doing dumb things.
Some get a big kick out of and seem to really enjoy destroying other people's
property, vandalism.
Others seem to really enjoy bullying, taunting, teasing, provoking, or irritating
They think it's funny; they're looking for entertainment to ease their boring,
purposeless lives.
People of understanding will have a different focus. They won't allow
themselves to be distracted by stupidity or foolishness.
Instead, they take a long-term view by keeping in front of themselves their
most important life's goals, always walking straight ahead, towards those
Proverbs 17:24, "The discerning sets his face toward wisdom, but the eyes
of a fool are on the ends of the earth."
The fool is so distracted by worldly temptations that it is impossible for him
to absorb the truth.
A foolish person sees a godly person as a killjoy, a stick in the mud, for
their godly pursuit of wisdom (Proverbs 10:23).
However, the discerning person keeps his or her sights set on wisdom because
wisdom can be achieved through single-minded focus.
Proverbs 20:5, "The purpose in a man's heart is like deep water, but a man
of understanding will draw it out."
When I was a teenager, I trained to be a lifeguard.
Part of that training was in doing underwater searches.
I was young and inexperienced then, and I thought it didn't make sense to
practice doing this, i.e., until I became a lifeguard at a lake.
Lake water, as you know, is not crystal clear like pool water.
You have to be on the bottom to see the bottom and the ability to search the
murky lake bottom has the potential to either save someone's life or return a
lost valuable to its owner.
Just like deep water is able to hide things, so people are able to hide our
real plans and intentions.
But a person who gains the understanding which Proverbs offers is able to bring
to the surface those hidden purposes.
Following God's guidance, I can avoid life's pitfalls and examine every
situation. When I trust God's wisdom, I'll follow his guidance.
Fourth, Following God's guidance, I can
approach life from God's perspective.
Proverbs 23:12, "Apply your heart to instruction and your ear to words of
We've all heard it many times before, the direction or instruction of a parent
or teacher, saying, "Apply yourself!"
When I was a child, I hated hearing that.
I didn't know it at the time, but I loved learning, it's just that I hated
being in school most of the time because I found it boring and uninteresting.
It took me until my second time around in grade 12 to learn to apply myself, to
set to work and stick to it, then I was successful.
Solomon directs his readers to set to work and stick to getting knowledge and
instruction into our ears and down into our hearts.
It's never too late to apply yourself, to set to work and stick to applying the
heart and ears to instruction and knowledge.
God wants his children to apply instruction and knowledge to their hearts, our
hearts, so that our lives will be different, changed.
Because knowledge is very important, Proverbs commands the reader to apply him
or herself to the work of gaining knowledge.
A real education, according to Proverbs, comes when we apply to our hearts what
we hear and are changed.
Proverbs 19:2, "Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes
haste with his feet misses his way."
It's easy to have a lot of passion, zest, and soul, but without knowledge this
speedy drive can lead to rushed mistakes and swift blunders.
I remember one time watching and helping my father-in-law as he was teaching me
to hang a door, but he was in a hurry and he made a mistake at the beginning
which he didn't pick up on until he had hung the door.
We had to tear it all apart and start over again.
Those of us who have a tendency rush to action also have a tendency to blame
God for our mistakes.
"Haste makes waste," the old saying goes, passion needs to be
controlled, it's always better to take the time to do it right.
Following God's guidance, I can approach life from God's perspective. When I
trust God's wisdom, I'll follow his guidance.
Choosing wisdom is entirely up to us, but choose we must.
It is better to choose wisdom and grow only a little wiser than not.
Perhaps through this message the Holy Spirit has confronted you with the truth
that you either have acted or are acting foolishly.
If so, repent and choose to act wisely.
The story is told of the great Blondin, the famous tight rope walker, who in
1860 walked across Niagara Falls before a huge crowd which had gathered to
watch. Blondin crossed the falls many times on a 1000 foot cable suspended 160
feet above the water. Not only did he walk across by himself, but he also
pushed a wheelbarrow across. After going
across and back with the wheelbarrow, he asked a young boy who was watching him
in amazement if he believed Blondin could take a person across in the
wheelbarrow without falling. "Yes sir, I do," replied the boy. "Well,
then, get in," shouted the great Blondin. The boy didn't get in.
The true test of belief is action. When we truly believe, into the wheelbarrow
we go.
Doubts keep us on the sidelines; the same may be said of faith.
If we read Proverbs and truly believe it's warnings against foolishness and
encouragements toward wisdom, then we'll be committed to wisdom.
When we truly believe something is in our best interests, we act.
We say we believe God's word, but much of the time we only half believe.
We believe the warnings and encouragements for other people, but we don't
believe them for ourselves.
Our tendency is to play fast and loose with God's word, and in so doing, we
play the fool.
May we instead, be like the disciples and come to Jesus and exclaim,
"Lord, increase our faith!" (Luke 17:5)
When I trust God's wisdom, I'll follow
his guidance.
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