Monday, January 14, 2013

January 13, 2013, Shine!

- Last week we looked at Matthew 5:13, the instruction of Jesus that his followers need to stay salty by spending time with him in the Word, then obeying him.
- This week we are faced with another question:
Why does Matthew share with his readers the teaching of Jesus that his followers are the light of the world?
- Let's think about the properties of light for a few moments.
- One of the things I think about when I think about light is the difference in how we see things during the day versus how we see things at night.
- At night, we have very little perception of color at all.  Everything is in various shades of gray or even black.  In fact, the darker the night, the less we are able to see.
- But during the day, as long as our eyes work the way the designer originally planned then we are able to see all the colors God intended for us to see.
- On a clear day, colors are bright, on a cloudy day, colors are not so bright.
- We could say the same things of a well lit room versus a dimly lit room, couldn't we?
- So it's fitting that The Message says that we are here "to bring out the God-colors of the world."
- I think it is really interesting and exciting that Jesus says that his disciples are the light of the world; that we "bring out the God-colors of the world."
- Bible scholars tell us that light represents the goodness of God. If we are the light of the world, then we need to represent the goodness of God, and that goodness can only be displayed, be made visible through good works.
- Jesus wants his disciples' good works to be visible to the community.
- You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill." 
- Light represents the visible goodness of God in the life of a disciple, good works. So let me ask this question...
- How's your visibility?
- "If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand."
- Not only are we to be light of the world, we are to be light for one another, since we are God's spiritual house.
- Obviously no one hides a lamp under a bucket, only a fool would do such a thing.
- How's your visibility in the house? How's your visibility outside the house?
- "Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven." 
- The life of a follower of Jesus must shine with the goodness of God.
- We have a mission to the world to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus until the light of the gospel shines in every home.
- We are called to be active in the world, making a difference rather than hiding the Gospel's light under a measuring cup or a bucket.
- As we live lives of openness and generosity, we will inspire others to open up with God and he will receive all the glory.
- How's your visibility? Do we, as a church and as individuals, shine for all to see? Are we intentional about serving our community? Do we have a plan? Are we following and carrying out that plan to fulfill our role in carrying out God's mission? Or are we hit and miss, haphazard, doing the mission only when we feel like it?
- You can be sure that Jesus did not carry out his mission based on how he felt from one day to the next. Everything he did, he did according to the Father's plan and he did it intentionally and with conviction, through prayer and service to others.
- Let's go back to our original question: Why does Matthew share with his readers the teaching of Jesus that his followers are the light of the world?
- Matthew shared with his readers the teaching of Jesus that his followers are the light of the world because light represents the visible goodness of God in the life of a disciple, good works.
- Let your good works shine the gospel light for a God-glorifying, global impact.
- Something that shines is visible. What does visibility mean for the local church? 
- First, visibility means that we will be more involved by supporting community projects and attending community events.
-E.g., Attending Events hosted by community groups, i.e., Millville Elementary School, Beyond the Bell, the Legion, MYRCI, Village Council, GHLC
- Supporting Projects sponsored by community groups by participating in, as well as, organizing and hosting fundraisers to support projects
- Host fun events ourselves
- Second, visibility also means visible service to the community through meeting needs which will create opportunities to share the Gospel of Messiah Jesus.
- E.g.:
o   Collect Trash
o   Clean Sidewalks
o   Off-Site Workshops
o   Odd Jobs for seniors, widows, widowers, and the needy
o   Cleanup Parks
o   Friendship Trail Cleanup.
o   Community appreciation suppers, e.g., youth and families, fire department, teachers, seniors, Village Council
o   Collect for Food Bank
o   Volunteer at Food Bank (Woodstock)
o   Volunteer at Community Kitchen (Fredericton)
o   Free Babysitting for Christmas Shopping
o   Welcome Wagon
o   Community taxi to appointments

- I'm convinced that now is the time for us to be renewed in shining the light of Jesus for the glory of God. It's shine time!
- Let your good works shine the gospel light for a God-glorifying, global impact.

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