Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Purpose Of Christmas: The Promise of a Son Luke 1:26-38

- The virgin birth, along with the resurrection of Jesus, is one of the most doubted aspects of the biblical story of Jesus. No doubt to a modern reader, who disbelieves the supernatural or only accepts the physical realm, the Bible's testimony is dismissed out of hand.
- The leading priests and other early enemies of Jesus dismissed the claim of Jesus to be the Son of God. Both then and now, it defies the imagination of people that God would directly cause a young woman to conceive and bear a son without the involvement of a sexual relationship with a man or his seed.  Without faith, the very idea is laughable.
- Yet if the virgin birth is so difficult to believe why does Luke include it in his narrative? Why is it part of the story? It has been suggested that the Christian faith would've been better off had Luke not included this information especially if it were fabricated, made up, a figment of Luke's imagination. The story itself invites the accusation that Jesus was an illegitimate child, born to parents out of wedlock.
- Luke reported the story simply because it was true. As a medical doctor, he knew very well how babies were made and it would've been just as difficult for him to believe the virgin birth as it is for people today.
- In the opening verses of his gospel, Luke tells us that he did the research that was necessary to write an orderly account of the life of Christ based on eyewitness testimony.
- The early traditions of the church report to us that Luke interviewed Mary herself for the opening chapters of his gospel. It is her story that Luke reports not the product of his imagination.
- Those who believe that God created the universe by the power of his spoken word should not have any trouble believing that God has the power to create life in a virgin's womb.
- As the story of the first Christmas unfolds for us from the gospel of Luke, beginning with the very first chapter, I want to look at a question that will dominate the next three weeks: What is the purpose of Christmas? That question leads me to today's question: What did Luke tell his readers was the purpose of Gabriel's announcement to Mary? The purpose of Gabriel's announcement to Mary was to present the good news that she was chosen to bear a Son to establish God's eternal kingdom.
- On the surface, the fulfillment of this promise seems like an impossibility not only for the very reasons that we have already discussed, but for some other reasons which we will examine.
- What stands out to me, however, what I have learned to be true in my own life, as well as, observing in the lives of others is this: God fulfills his promises in ways that defy human imagination.
- As we look at Gabriel's appearance to Mary and his announcement to her, it is the way in which God chooses to fulfill his promises that sticks out like a sore thumb in this passage. God acts in ways in which we do not expect. He goes beyond our imaginations. What he does, we often assume to be impossible!
-The first time we read about the angel Gabriel in the Scriptures it is the prophet Daniel to whom Gabriel is sent to explain the meaning of his visions. The second time we read about Gabriel it is the priest Zechariah to whom Gabriel  is sent with the message that his wife, although she is old, will give birth to a son who would be great.
- And now the third time we read about the angel Gabriel, it seems as if he is sent to one of the most unlikely people, a very young woman, a virgin who has just entered her childbearing years, who is also betrothed and more likely than not living at home with her parents.
- In those days, the practice of betrothal was such that very often once a young woman entered childbearing years she would be engaged to be married. The parents of the bride and the groom negotiated the bride price to be paid to the father of the bride by the groom's family.

- The young woman would then remain at home for one full year during which time she must remain sexually pure. If the woman was found to be pregnant during that time the betrothal could be annulled and the bride and her family would bear the disgrace for the rest of their lives.
- Gabriel's message to Mary was a message that would potentially turn her world upside down. How could people be expected to believe that the famous angel Gabriel came to Mary telling her that she was going to conceive a child by the power of the Holy Spirit? Who would believe her story? Certainly, no one in their right mind would be willing to accept such a story at face value. Joseph did, though not through any virtue or insight of his own, but because he also received a special revelation from God in a vision.
- Can you imagine the rumours? The gossip? The accusations? The innuendo?  Can you imagine what a burden that would've been to bear in those days?
- It seems that it even followed Jesus in the sarcastic response of certain people to Jesus teaching. They said to him, "we were not born of sexual immorality" (i.e., we are not illegitimate children), likely implying that they thought he was.
- Their statement was no mere insult, but an indication that they had some superficial knowledge of his back story. As if being a child born out of wedlock somehow delegitimizes personhood and dignity.  Birth circumstances do not rob people of their dignity, but people's attitudes, actions, and speech do.
- Never before had God caused a virgin to conceive and give birth to a son. This action was something unthinkable, something that would not even enter the realm of human imagination. 
- If God hadn't done it before, so goes the reasoning, then it must be impossible.
- How often do we forget that our God is preoccupied with newness. As the prophet Isaiah declared, "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?" (Isaiah 43:19, ESV)
 - It is because of his interest in new things that God fulfills his promises in ways that defy human imagination.
- Mary herself demonstrated her own limited imagination as Scripture reveals, "How will this be, since I am a virgin?" 
- Now, whereas Zechariah doubted that his wife Elizabeth could possibly have a child, Mary accepted by faith that God would do it, but curiously wondered aloud how God would go about doing it.
- So Gabriel took the time to explain that her pregnancy would be the result of the activity of God in her life, that the Holy Spirit would do a new thing by causing her to conceive without sexual intercourse. In his explanation, Gabriel included an aside about Elizabeth's pregnancy in her old age then pronounced, "For nothing will be impossible with God."
- God fulfills his promises in ways that defy human imagination.
- The virgin birth of Jesus to Mary is the fulfillment of the promise of God which defies our imaginations. That God would come in human form, be born and grow up,  teach and heal, raise the dead, be crucified and buried, and then be resurrected… Why the whole story defies our imaginations. But the fact remains that God chooses to fulfill his promises in ways that defy human imagination. In ways that seem impossible to us, God chooses to do a new thing. In ways that seem unthinkable to us, God fulfills his promises.
- In his letter to the Ephesians, the apostle Paul reminds us that God "is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think" (Eph 3:20, ESV). The NIV of that verse says that he, "is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine."
- This Christmas as we spend time thinking about how God fulfilled his promises on that first Christmas, let us prepare our hearts and minds for the surprises that God has in store for us in the future.
- He alone is the one who is able to do immeasurably far more abundantly than all we ask or think or imagine. We simply are not capable of dreaming God sized dreams on our own. God alone is the one who can put God sized dreams in our hearts and minds.
- God fulfills his promises in ways that defy human imagination.
- Are we ready for God to do a new thing among us? Are we ready for God to blow all our assumptions out of the water? Are we ready for God to do something so big that our response is going to be like Mary's? Lord, how will this be? 
- Advent is a time of preparation. It is a time set apart to prepare ourselves for the arrival of Christ.  Let us set apart time for prayer this Advent season to prepare ourselves for the new thing that God wants to do among us, in us, through us, and around us. Let us commit ourselves to prayerfully meditating on the fulfillment of his promises to us in Christ so that we may be better prepared for the new ways in which he wants to act that defy our imaginations.
- God fulfills his promises in ways that defy human imagination.

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