Thursday, March 27, 2014

Job's Terrible Lizards, God Our Creator and Redeemer, 4. Sunday, March 23, 2014

- Long, long ago in the faraway land of Uz, there lived a man named Job.
- Now Job was a God-fearing man who committed himself to living right.
- In his heart, Job only wanted to seek God and turn away from evil.
- In his day, Job was considered to be the greatest of all the people of the East.
- Job had it all! He had family: seven sons and three daughters. He had wealth and possessions: 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, and 500 female donkeys and many, many servants. He was a king among men.
- One would think that Job lived a charmed life.
- Well, one day the angels were presenting themselves to the Lord and who should show up but Satan, the devil.
- And God said to Satan, "What do you think of my servant Job? There's no one like him! He fears God. He's committed to doing what's right, and he turns away from evil."
- "But," Satan replied, "that's just because you protect him."
- "Okay, fine," God allowed, "do your worst. Only do not lay a finger on Job himself."
- Well, Job lost everything. His servants ploughing the fields were all murdered but one, who escaped to tell him the murderers stole the oxen, and donkeys.
- Fire fell out of the sky burning up all his sheep and shepherds, but one who escaped to tell him.
- Raiders stole his camels, murdering the servants watching them, but one who escaped to tell him.
- One more servant arrived to bring Job the tragic news that all his children were feasting at his oldest son's home when a great wind came in out of the wilderness, destroying the home and killing everyone inside.
- "I alone," said the servant, "escaped to tell you."
- Job got up, tore his clothes, shaved his head, fell on the ground and worshiped, saying, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."
- In all this, the Bible tells us, Job did not sin or charge God with any wrong.
- So, Satan showed up before God a second time and God said: "What do you think of my servant Job? There's no one like him! He fears God. He's still committed to doing what's right, and turning away from evil, even though you wanted me to destroy him."
- "Skin for skin!" retorted Satan. He'll trade his honour for his life and good health. Let him be diseased in his flesh and bones and he'll curse you."
- "Okay, fine," God said, "do your worst. Only do not kill him."
- Well, after that exchange, Job was covered in disgusting sores from the bottoms of his feet the top of his head.
- Job took a piece of broken pottery so he could scratch the unbearable itching from his sores;
- And sat outside of town in the ash heap where manure and garbage were thrown and burned.
- "Do you still cling to your honor?" His wife raged. "Curse God and die."
- "You speak like a foolish woman who doesn't know right from wrong," answered Job. "Don't we have to accept the bad along with the good?"
- Again, the Bible tells us that Job did not speak sinfully in all this.
- Soon three of Job's friends showed up, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar; after hearing about all of the bad things that happened to Job, they had agreed to comfort Job together.
- After seven days, Job spoke and he asked the question we all ask when we suffer: why?
- That's the point where Job's three friends stopped acting like friends, and for the next 30 chapters of the book of Job, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar blamed Job for his suffering.
- Each of Job's friends took it in turn to tell Job that he must have sinned in some way for God to punish him like this.
- But Job insisted that he did not sin.
- Well, you must have, they claimed.
- Well, I didn't, argued Job.
- You most certainly had to. Well, I most certainly did not.
- Did. Didn't. Did. Didn't. And on and on it went...
- ...Until, the three friends had no answer for Job's final defense.
- And that's where the enraged Elihu, who had showed up sometime earlier, began scolding Job and his three friends until God showed up.
- Everyone else had their opportunity to speak and now it was God's turn.
- Out of the whirlwind, God rebuked Elihu for his arrogant know it all attitude (v. 2), then corrected Job's idea that God abandoned him.
- God asked Job 77 booming questions to restore Job's confidence in God and challenge human centred thinking about his creation.
- God's questions of Job can be divided two ways.
- The first set of questions reviewed the mysteries of the earth and the sky that were beyond Job's understanding.
- E.g., "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?" (Job 38:4).
- The second set of questions reviewed the mysteries of living creatures that were beyond Job's understanding.
- E.g., "Can you hunt prey for the lion, or satisfy the appetite of the young lions,…? (Job 38:39)
- Before we focus in on the two creatures that we are going to look at today, I want to remind us that everything God lists in these questions is real.
- What are they? The foundations of the earth, the boundaries of the sea, the morning dawn and the spread of daylight, snow, hail, wind, rain, the movement of the stars and constellations, and clouds...
- Lions, ravens, wild goats, deer, the wild donkey, wild ox, ostrich, stork, and the horse all these are real and there are mysteries beyond Job's knowing and still beyond our knowing connected to them all.
- All things that God talked about in these questions are not myths or legends.  They are fact rather than fantasy.
- Job had to have seen them all to know what God was talking about, therefore, behemoth and Leviathan are real as well.
- Again, he had to have been familiar with them to know what God was talking about.
- These creatures were still living at the time of Job around 2200 BC or 4200 years ago.
- The Bible says that humanity has lived with every kind of animal from the beginning.
- 15 “Take a look at Behemoth, which I made, just as I made you. It eats grass like an ox.
16 See its powerful loins and the muscles of its belly.
17 Its tail is as strong as a cedar. The sinews of its thighs are knit tightly together.
18 Its bones are tubes of bronze. Its limbs are bars of iron.
19 It is a prime example of God’s handiwork, and only its Creator can threaten it.
20 The mountains offer it their best food, where all the wild animals play.
21 It lies under the lotus plants, hidden by the reeds in the marsh.
22 The lotus plants give it shade among the willows beside the stream.
23 It is not disturbed by the raging river, not concerned when the swelling Jordan rushes around it.
24 No one can catch it off guard or put a ring in its nose and lead it away.
- Behemoth means huge beast, which many scholars suggest is either a hippopotamus or an elephant.
- Why do they suggest a hippopotamus or an elephant?
- Because they accept billions of years of evolution and refuse to accept a plain sense reading of Genesis 1, that God created the heavens and the earth in six normal days.
- Behemoth cannot be either a hippopotamus or an elephant because this huge beast has a tail as strong a cedar.
- Neither the elephant nor the hippopotamus have tails that compare to the Cedar tree.
- While the hippopotamus lives in a river, the elephant does not; and while the elephant may live near mountains and under trees, the hippopotamus does not.
- What animal best fits the description of this huge, powerful creature which God made?
- The answer is not an imaginary animal because God has been all along describing real animals. God would not give Job examples he never saw; that would be pointless.
- When we remove the impossible then whatever we are left with no matter how unlikely is the truth.
- The best animal to fit the description of behemoth is a sauropod dinosaur like we find in the fossil record.
- The Bible says that humanity has lived with every kind of animal from the beginning.
- Let's look at our second passage where we find our second example, Job 41.
- “Can you catch Leviathan him with a hook or put a noose around its jaw?
2 Can you tie it with a rope through the nose or pierce its jaw with a spike?
8 If you lay a hand on it, you will certainly remember the battle that follows. You won’t try that again!
12 “I want to emphasize Leviathan’s limbs and its enormous strength and graceful form.
13 Who can strip off its hide, and who can penetrate its double layer of armor?
14 Who could pry open its jaws?  For its teeth are terrible!
15 Its scales are like rows of shields tightly sealed together.
16 They are so close together that no air can get between them.
17 Each scale sticks tight to the next. They interlock and cannot be penetrated.
18 “When it sneezes, it flashes light! Its eyes are like the red of dawn.
19 Lightning leaps from its mouth; flames of fire flash out.
20 Smoke streams from its nostrils like steam from a pot heated over burning rushes.
21 Its breath would kindle coals, for flames shoot from its mouth.
25 When it rises, the mighty are afraid, gripped by terror.
26 No sword can stop it, no spear, dart, or javelin.
27 Iron is nothing but straw to that creature, and bronze is like rotten wood.
30 Its belly is covered with scales as sharp as glass. It plows up the ground as it drags through the mud.
31 “Leviathan makes the water boil with its commotion. It stirs the depths like a pot of ointment.
32 The water glistens in its wake, making the sea look white.
33 Nothing on earth is its equal, no other creature so fearless.
34 Of all the creatures, it is the proudest. It is the king of beasts.”
- Many scholars suggest that Leviathan was possibly a crocodile.
- But it seems quite obvious from what we just read that the Bible is not describing a crocodile, but something much greater and more powerful.
- The skilled hunter can take out a crocodile with a single spear, not so Leviathan, spears are no match for him.
- Does the crocodile breathe smoke and fire? No.
- Should we think that because the Bible says an animal breathes fire that it's make-believe?
- Remember all along God has been describing real animals.
- Why would God suddenly give Job imaginary examples? He wouldn't, that would be nonsense to Job.
- Why should we ignore the Bible on this point?
- If creatures exist today like the bombardier beetle who is able to shoot burning hot gas from its behind, then why not fire breathing dragons?
- The answer is not an imaginary animal because God has been all along describing real animals.
- When we remove the impossible then whatever we are left with no matter how unlikely is the truth.
- A couple of more likely prospects than the humble crocodile could be:
- Sarcosuchus imperator, an ancient giant croc.
- Or perhaps the Svalbard pliosaur a monster of about 50 feet or 15 meters.
- Aquatic dinosaurs were created by God on the fifth day and sauropod dinosaurs were created on the sixth day.
- Every culture and people have stories about sea monsters and dragons.
- We human beings have an inborn interest in the creatures God created and the huge ones, we find especially interesting.
- Even 1000 years ago and earlier respected scholars wrote about dragons in articles or papers about animal life.
- Paleontologists tell us dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago and the first dinosaur fossils were not discovered until the 1800s when the word dinosaur, meaning terrible lizard, was coined.
- The evidence in the Bible and from around the globe contradicts the evolutionary story.
- Dinosaurs did not die out 65 million years ago, but much more recently, during the worldwide catastrophic flood of Noah's day.
- Some were saved on the ark but they never multiplied in great numbers again.
- As for Job, he turned away from his doubts and placed his confidence and his hope in God alone.
- God had some harsh words for Job's three friends, but Job prayed for them.
- God gave Job double what he lost, a new family with 10 more children, and he lived a full long life.
- The Bible says that humanity has lived with every kind of animal from the beginning.
- If we can trust the Bible's message about the creatures that God made and when he made them, then we can trust the Bible's message about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ to bring us hope.
- Since the Bible is true then evolution is false, and we can place all our hope and trust in the Lord Jesus and he will give us new life.
- Remember, Romans 10:9. "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

- The Bible says that humanity has lived with every kind of animal from the beginning. Why? So we can have hope.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

God our Creator and Redeemer, 3: The World Is God Ordered. Sunday, March 16, 2014. Genesis 1:11-13, 20-25, 29-30

- One of the things we learn as we study the accounts of creation in Genesis is that because the world is God ordered we have hope as we live for his glory.
- On the third day of creation after God commanded the waters under the heavens to be gathered together in one place and the dry ground to appear, God commanded the earth to sprout produce.
- This produce God tells us in verse 30 is to be food for every beast of the earth, and every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life.
- What do we find as we look upon the produce that God created?
- First, We find that the Earth's produce comes in three categories: vegetation or grass; herbs or plants yielding seed; and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed.
- Second, we also find that each reproduces according to its kind.
- Unlike assumptions of naturalists, the Bible tells us that the earth did not produce its produce automatically, rather God ordered and it was so.
- Rocks and dirt are incapable of producing anything so complex and wondrously beautiful as grass, herbs and trees.
- While dirt or rather rocks can grow, e.g., crystals, stalactites, and stalagmites, however, they cannot reproduce.
- "Rocks don't rock – they sit still for a very long time. Plants rock! They sway to the wind, they move in relationship to the sun." They can even respond to noise and other changes in the atmosphere (Morris, Beginnings, 77-78).
- Jesus said, "Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these" (Luke 12:27, ESV).
- Now for the second thing we find regarding the Earth's produce: each reproduces according to its kind.
- Each according to its kind is mentioned first in verse 11 and is repeated a total of 10 times in Genesis 1.
- God used this phrase to describe plant reproduction on day three, then flying and water creatures on day five, and land creatures on day six.
- God also used the phrase again seven times of the animals at the time of the great flood of Noah's day and 13 times more in Leviticus and Deuteronomy for defining the types of animals for sacrifice and for eating (Morris, Beginnings, 78).
- All the plants which God made on the third day contained seed, and every plant that reproduced seed was to be "according to its kind" as also were living creatures he created.
- Through his word, God gives us a rough but common sense understanding of basic reproduction in plants of various types as well as animals.
- The information contained in the seed guarantees that apples produce apples rather than oranges and roses produce roses rather than pansies or lilies.
- While we cannot be 100% certain of what the Hebrew word for kind means, because the Bible applies the term to everything from grass to insects to all the beasts of the earth...
- However, we can be certain that since the seed reproduces "according to its kind" that there is no evidence of a common ancestor for all living things as the evolutionary story goes.
- Every plant and every animal reproduces only according to its kind.
- As Jesus said, "Each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from thorns bushes, nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush" (Luke 6:44, ESV).
- No amount of evolutionary spin can change what God ordered.
- The world is God ordered, so let's live to give him glory.
- What can be observed and what can be known is that the God ordered processes of plant and animal reproduction keep things stable.
- However, because of sin and the curse, these things are also in bondage to decay, disease, and death.
- Plants and living creatures adapt to their environments but this ability to adapt falls within God ordained boundaries "according to its kind."
- Now before we go ahead to consider the fifth and sixth days of creation, we need to ask one more question.
- From God's point of view, are grasses, herbs and trees living things?
- We have already noted, their purpose is for food.
- As God said, "everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food."
- Modern science views plants as living things, but the Bible does not.
- Neither does God describe the plants he made on the third day as living things, nor do the Scriptures ever equate eating plants with killing. (Remember, death only enters the picture after the Fall, Adam and Eve's sin.)
- That concept comes from atheism, humanism, materialism and the evolutionary favouritism connected with them.
- If plants, according to the Bible, are not alive, then what is life?
- First, only God can create life.
- The Hebrew word for create, bara, occurs 54 times in the Hebrew Scriptures.
- Four times it's used figuratively, twice of the power of God's judgment and twice in Joshua of the people of Israel cleaning up and clearing area to live during the conquest.
- The remaining 50 times bara is used is of the all-powerful Creator who creates something out of nothing "using power and processes we know nothing about" (Morris, Beginnings, 114).
- This word is used on days one, five, and six of creation and not on days two, three, or four.
- When the New Testament talks about creative power of God, it stresses two things:
- A. God's Power to bring eternal life where there was before only death;
- And B. that all will worship and confess that God alone is Creator (Morris, beginnings, 114).
- Only God can create life.
- Second, life is unique.
- The Bible uses terms for life that are never applied to grass, herbs, or trees.
- There are two key Hebrew terms used 763 times in the Old Testament for life and they are never used of produce (grass, herbs, trees) because plants are food.
- As complex and as beautiful as plants are their purpose is for food to sustain and maintain living creatures and human beings.
- They are not alive as the Bible defines life.
- Third, life moves independently.
- While plants are rooted to the ground, living creatures are described four times in Genesis 1 as moving or creeping.
- According to the Bible, living things move about independently.
- Fourth, life is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11).
- Most of the sacrificial system of the law under the Mosaic covenant required blood sacrifice, without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.
- The good news of Jesus Christ rests on the foundation of his shed blood on a cross for the forgiveness of sins. Again, without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.
- Jesus died because it is not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to remove sin.
- After the great flood, God told Noah not to eat blood (Genesis 9:4).
- Leviticus 17:14 states that blood sustains life and therefore the children of Israel were commanded not to eat it.
- Deuteronomy 12:23 repeats the command to not eat blood.
- A moving creature is alive if it has blood; life is in the blood.
- Fifth, life has heart and soul.
- The Hebrew word nephesh occurs 753 times in the Hebrew Scriptures, the Old Testament.
- It's used to describe self-awareness, refers to emotional aspects of life, and the deepest parts which respond and cause us to keep commitments.
- E.g., Psalm 35:9, "My soul will rejoice in the Lord, exulting in his salvation."
- Hosea 4:8, "They eat up the sin of my people; they set their heart on their iniquity.
- However, it's translated, it never refers to plants.
- Sixth, life has breath or spirit.
- The Hebrew term ruwach occurs 389 times in the Old Testament.
- In Genesis 1 it's used in verse 30 of the creatures to which God has given every green plant for food.
- It's used in the lead up to the flood describing God's intention to destroy everything that is on Earth, i.e., all flesh in which is the breath of life (Genesis 6:17); and of the animals that would be saved, Genesis 7:15; and again in verse 22 of the destruction of those who remained behind.
- The term is also used figuratively referring to the human spirit in the Psalms, Proverbs, and Prophets.
- Lastly, it's used when referring to the mind, as God said through the prophet, "For I know the things that come into your mind." (Ezekiel 11:5)
- Life is breath or spirit. Life has heart and soul. Life is in the blood. Life moves independently. Life is unique. Only God can create life.
- The world is God ordered, so let's live to give him glory.
- It's on days five and six of creation week that we are introduced to life.
- This life did not develop over vast periods of deep time, rather God said, "Let the waters swarm... Let birds fly... Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds… And it was so."
- Any kind of imposed random purposelessness falls terribly short of explaining the incredible diversity of living creatures which swim the waters, fly through the air, and walk the earth.
- The Bible makes it plain that God made produce to reproduce according to its kind for the sustenance of all living creatures, and that God created all living creatures to reproduce according to its kind.
- God's word makes it obvious that the power to adapt does not come from natural selection because nature doesn't do the selecting, rather God ordered each plant and living creature with the power to adapt from the beginning.
- All plants and animals reproduce according to their own kind as God ordered.
- The world is God ordered, so let's live to give him glory.
- As the apostle Paul wrote, "For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse" (Romans 1:19-20, ESV).
- That the world is God ordered is obvious.
- We can see it in everything God made; his power can be seen wherever we look, so we have no excuse for not knowing God.
- The world is God ordered, so let's live to give him glory.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

"And Evening Passed and Morning Came..." God our Creator and Redeemer, 2, Sunday, March 9, 2014.

- The French military genius, Napoleon Bonaparte, was aboard ship in the Mediterranean Sea on a clear, starry night.
- He was on deck and was walking past a group of officers who were mocking the idea of a Supreme Being.
- "God of creation, what a joke!" They scoffed.
- But Napoleon stopped, stared at them, and then was sweeping his hands across the stars of the sky and said, "Gentlemen, you must get rid of those first!"
- As it was in Napoleon's time, so it is in our time.
- Many people scoff at the God of creation, as Peter tells us, "mocking the truth and following their own desires" (2 Peter 3:3).
- These scoffers, Peter wrote, "deliberately forget that God made the heavens by the word of his command"(2 Peter 3:5)
- What is it that scoffers deliberately forget?
- They deliberately forget that our all-powerful Creator made all things in six days by his all-powerful Word.
- Because of the sinful condition of our hearts, the natural human tendency is to ignore, deny, or explain away the clear teachings of the Bible.
- When human beings ignore, deny, or explain away the Scriptures, then we are left with "empty philosophy and high sounding nonsense" which arise from human centered tradition or thinking, "and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ" (Colossians 2:8).
- Let's be encouraged to be completely unlike those who scoff and deliberately forget. Let's intentionally remember!
- Let's be encouraged to be countercultural thinkers, i.e., to think in ways which move against the direction of the tides of our anti-biblical, anti-Christian culture.
- Let's be encouraged to take God at his word, to trust the Bible's account of the days of creation as normal 24-hour days.
- To receive Genesis as real history, receive the days of creation as normal days.
- Those who try to fit billions of years of deep time into the Bible declare the days of creation to be long ages rather than days.
- This assumption begs the question to be asked: When does day mean day?
- Of course, the word day is not always meant to be literal.
- E.g., consider the following statement: "In my father's day, he would go to bed early Sunday evening and rise early in the morning of the following day, and spend the next six days traveling during the day, across the whole country." (Sarfati, Refuting Compromise, 69)
- We know that "in my father's day" does not literally mean a specific day, rather, it's meant figuratively as a vague period of time.
- But it makes no sense to interpret six days traveling as anything but normal days.
- Combining evening and morning shows that his bedtime and rising occurred over the course of a normal day.
- The phrase, during the day, also refers to the daylight hours of a normal day.
- Again, this is not an unclear period of time
- Biblical Hebrew also has similar uses for the word Yom, which means day.
- However, just like with the English word, meaning depends on context.
- Genesis 2:4 is a prime example. "In the day that the Lord God made the earth and heavens..."
- In this case, the use of the word day is from a common expression used throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, which means "when." (Just like in the NIV or NLT)
- So here in Genesis 2:4 Yom is used figuratively as referring to all six days of creation.
- Looking to our passage for today, we see in verse 14 that God creates the sun, moon and stars and he tells us why.
- "Let them be signs to mark the seasons, days, and years."
- The plain sense reading of the word days in this verse as normal days is the obvious reading.
- To read it as long ages of time is simply to interpret this Scripture in a senseless manner.
- As we continue to look at Genesis 1, let's observe the days of creation, what do we see?
- First, we see the days of creation include numbers.
- Yom plus a number occurs 359 times in the Old Testament outside of Genesis 1 and it always equals a normal day or part of a normal day. (Sarfati, 73-74)
- Second, I have on my bookshelf the classic Hebrew-English lexicon by Brown, Driver and Briggs and the first Scripture reference beside Yom (meaning day) is Genesis 1:5, which defines the meaning of the Hebrew Yom as the passing of the evening and the arrival of the morning.
- The Hebrew also reveals that the first day is actually written as day one, so rather than the reading, "the first day," we have the reading, "one day."
- Well, you might say, so what?
- Let me share this with you: Genesis 1:5 defines what a day is. With the passing of the evening and coming of the morning is one day.
- Genesis 1:5 actually says, and evening was and morning was one day.
- Simply stated: evening + morning = one day
- God has provided his definition of what a day is in its very first occurrence in the Bible, and he has defined it as a solar day, one rotation of the earth on its axis.
- With that simple definition of what a day is, Genesis 1 then goes ahead and uses that phrase five more times to describe the rest of the days of creation.
- Evening + morning + Yom = one 24-hour day.
- This combination occurs, 19 times outside of Genesis 1 and every time it occurs it means either a normal day or part of a normal day.
- Let me quickly recap when in the Hebrew Scriptures day means day.
- Yom plus a number always means a normal day.
- Yom plus evening plus morning always means a normal day.
- Now, on each day of creation in Genesis 1, we have Yom plus a number plus the passing of the evening and the coming of the morning.
- So, we may ask, what's going on here with the language of Genesis 1 and the days of creation?
- Genesis is using the strongest language it possibly can to communicate to the reader that these are real, literal, normal 24-hour days.
- To receive Genesis as real history, receive the days of creation as normal days.
- With God in Genesis itself defining the meaning of the day and communicating to the reader as clearly as possible that the days of creation were normal days, what reasons could we possibly have in choosing to reinterpret the meaning of the days of Genesis 1?
- The answers compromise the authority of God's word, place origins science in authority over the Bible, and head down the slippery slope of compromised faith.
- Doctors Don Batten and Jonathan Sarfati answer the question of what happens when we discount or disbelieve that Genesis is real history.
- When we don't believe that Genesis is real history, the Bible is disconnected from the real world, rendering it irrelevant. (Batten & Sarfati, 15 Reasons, 16)
- If we disconnect the Bible from the real world, then we disconnect the real world from God, and faith in Jesus Christ is rendered meaningless.

- To receive Genesis as real history, receive the days of creation as normal days.

"In the Beginning God Created..." Scripture: Genesis 1:1-2:3, Sunday, March 2, 2014.

- In 1944, Cressy Morrison in his book, Man Does Not Stand Alone, relates this illustration:
- "Let's say I have 10 pennies and I mark each one with a number, 1 to 10, then place all 10 in your pocket.
- I would ask you to give your pocket a good shake so the pennies are no longer in any order in your pocket.
- What chance would I have to reach in and pull out penny number one? One in 10.
- Let's say I put the penny back in your pocket, then I reach again into your pocket and draw out penny number two.
- My chance of doing that would be one in 100.
- Putting the penny back, if I were to reach in and draw out penny number three, my chances would jump to one in 1000.
- If I were to continue to do the same thing, in order, right up through number nine, do you know what my chance would be by the time I got to the number 10 and pulled it out of your pocket? One in 10 billion.
- If I pulled that off, you would say, "The game is fixed!" My answer: "You're right... And so is creation."
- Each time you put the penny back in your pocket, the odds against me pulling out the next penny in order increase by a factor of 10. (Here's what it looks like)
- 1. 1:10
- 2. 1:100
- 3. 1:1000
- 4. 1:10,000
- 5. 1:100,000
- 6. 1:1,000,000
- 7. 1:10,000,000
- 8. 1:100,000,000
- 9. 1:1,000,000,000
- 10.1:10,000,000,000
- Probability is stacked against me, pulling all 10 pennies out of your pocket in order, while each time putting the penny back into your pocket before drawing out the next one.
- Here, we are just talking about pulling pennies out of pockets in the correct order. But what about life?
- The odds of even the simplest life form such as the pelagibacter ubique bacterium, which has over 1.3 million base pairs of DNA, gives a ridiculously small probability.
- Imagine a penny to every one of those 1.3 million base pairs of DNA. What would be the odds of pulling the right base pair in the right order out of your pocket every time without fail?
- Can life arise by random chance?
- The 10 pennies illustration powerfully demonstrates the impossibility of evolution.
- Random processes cannot produce life and random selection cannot make humus into humans.
- Life cannot come from non-life; it is mathematically impossible, therefore, there must be a Creator.
- That Creator has to be the Triune God of the Bible. No one else fits the bill. The resumes of every other god all miss the mark.
-  Since the God of the Bible is our Creator, then we need to take him at his word.
- 10 years ago, Toni and I met with Dr. Malcolm Beckett and Rev. Lawrence Peck to discuss and finalize plans for our trip to Labrador to give the Peck's a break for the summer months.
- Until that time, the creation-evolution debate was never really a concern for me.
- However, as a person who believes in the authority of Scripture and in the personal nature of God, I was, and strive to be, open to instruction from his Word.
- So while we were in Labrador, I came across a series of tapes on Lawrence's office bookshelf put out by Answers in Genesis featuring Ken Ham.
- While working on some creative projects for Northern Cross Community Church, I listened to the entire series and became convinced of a literal understanding of the first 11 chapters of Genesis.
- Ken Ham answered many of the questions I had about Genesis as well as questions I didn't know I had.
- He was able to explain things in clear, straight forward, logical and comical ways.
- In a world in which greater numbers of churched kids fall away from the faith, we need to begin asking ourselves, what has changed?
- The simple answer is everything has changed. Our world is decidedly anti-Christian and in such an environment, every Christian needs to be able to give a ready defense for the hope they have with gentleness and respect.
- Not too long ago I had a conversation with my dentist's receptionist.
- She was very concerned about her 15-year-old son.
- When he was younger, he was very involved in the church, but now he's beginning to reject his Christian upbringing.
- The problem? His schooling. When his mother asked him why, he gave her a one-word answer: evolution.
- There are many stories just like that coming from parents of churched kids.
- Friends, our mission is to be the hands and feet, and voice of Jesus in and for our community until the light of Christ shines in every home.
- If we're going to be the voice of Jesus, then we need to be equipped to be that voice in prayerful dependence upon the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures.
- Second Timothy 3:16 tells us, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness." (ESV)
- There's that lovely little three letter word again, all.
- How much Bible does that leave out? None.
- All Scripture, including Genesis, is inspired by God and all Scripture is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.
- Please, allow me to jump the gun on some of your small group discussion which you can pursue further together.
- What kind of literature is the creation account in Genesis?
- It's historical narrative. It reads like a historical account.
- It doesn't read like a letter and it doesn't read like poetry.
- It is not written like a work of fiction, fantasy, or human speculation, rather it is written as a factual description.
 - If we look at the way all of Genesis is written, including Genesis 1, its language and form is that of an historical account, i.e., Genesis is real history.
- As we read the biblical account of creation, what does it describe for the reader?
- The Bible tells us that the omnipotent Creator spoke everything into being by the power of his Word in 6 normal days.
- Our all powerful Creator made all things in 6 days by his all powerful Word.
- Is there any biblical reason to question a straightforward reading of Genesis as actual history?
- No, nothing in Scripture gives us any reason to question a straightforward reading of Genesis as actual history.
- In fact, Jesus, his apostles, and the rest of the authors of the New Testament treat Genesis as straightforward history.
- What other reason could we have to question a straight forward reading of Genesis 1?
- Only human centered thinking and the spiritual powers of this world cause us to question the historicity of the biblical creation accounts.
- As we learned from the apostle Paul last week:
- "See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ." (Colossians 2:10, ESV)
- Many Christians, since the birth of the deep time theories championed by the scientific community, have come to accept long ages as fact and have rejected the plain sense reading of Genesis, which is why we come up with alternative theories that attempt to fit billions of years into Scripture.
- Before the late 1700s, hardly anyone questioned the historicity of Genesis.
- The overwhelming majority of Bible believing Christians and Christian scholars believed that the creation accounts and the rest of Genesis were real history.
- So why the change?
- When the idea of deep time entered the picture in the late 1700s, few questioned it because it did not seem to question the lordship of Jesus Christ.
- It seemed reasonable and appeared to make sense.
- It did not seem unreasonable to assume that the layers seen in sedimentary rock occurred at a similar rate that sediment build ups today, which suggests millions or perhaps billions of years of sediment build up all over the Earth.
- But do billions of years fit the biblical accounts? Or perhaps a better question, were they meant to fit the biblical accounts in the first place?
- Allow me to answer with the following story.
- The Greek poet Homer told the story of how the Greeks deceived the citizens of Troy with a giant wooden horse.
- The horse appeared to be a parting gift, when in actuality it was filled with soldiers.
- The Trojans brought the horse inside their city gates and once inside, by way of stealth, the Greeks emerged from the horse, opened the city gates, letting in their army and defeated the people of Troy.
- Millions/billions of years of deep time are really like a Trojan horse.
- As Christians accept deep time proposed by scientists, science ends up in authority over the word of God.
- By trying to fit various accommodating theories of deep time into the Scriptures, the message of Genesis is sabotaged unintentionally:  Our all powerful Creator made all things in six days by his all powerful word?
- Because of the Trojan horse of deep time, suddenly the account of Genesis 1 seems like a work of fiction.
- Our only appropriate response is not to continue to cling to accommodating theories of deep time, rather our only appropriate response is to reclaim the plain sense reading of Genesis as real history and stand on the authority of God's word.
- Genesis testifies that God himself called the universe into being in the beginning.
- Before God created there was nothing but the Almighty Godhead in the eternal past.
- That God created tells us also that time itself began, and that God did not use already existing matter to create.
- The Hebrew word for create, bara, is used only of divine acts of creation in the production of things or creatures which before had not existed, is used of everything new which God creates, and is used of a new work of God.
- The Bible neither gives us an orderly account of genetically lower life evolving to genetically higher life, nor do we find one created kind evolving into another created kind.
- Remember, when the plain sense makes the most sense, seek no other sense, lest it become nonsense.
- Some have suggested that the Bible teaches us that God created, but not how he created.
- Is that true, however? According to Genesis 1, how did God create? We read it several times, "and God said."
- Our all powerful Creator made all things in 6 days by his all powerful Word.
- If we allow the Trojan horse of deep time to control our thinking about creation, then when, where, how, or why is the rest of Scripture authoritative?
- Just as the Greeks defeated Troy with the Trojan horse deception, the Trojan horse of deep time continues to have the potential to shipwreck the faith of many an unwary Christian, and often does.
- Stand firm on the word of God and trust the Genesis accounts of an all powerful Creator.

- Our all-powerful Creator made all things in six days by his all-powerful Word.